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【转载】M109(2013.5.23)- 每日天文一图摘译  

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M109(2013.5.23)- 每日天文一图摘译 - 秋天的麦兜 - 蜗牛壳

  美丽的棒旋星系 M109 是梅西叶著名的亮星云星团表中的第 109 号天体,它位于北天星座大熊座内,就在北斗七星的斗勺之下。在望远镜中,M109 显著的中央棒使它看起来很像希腊字母θ,也就是那个常用于表示角度的数学符号。当然,M109 在地球天空中的张角非常小,只有 7 角分左右,或者说 0.12 度,但以它的距离 6000万 光年来算,这么小的角度却相当于 12万 光年的直径。M109 又叫 NGC 3992,是大熊座星系团已知成员中最亮的一个,看起来像是被三颗带芒角的前景恒星钉在画面中。另外,上图中还能看到三个较小的蓝色暗淡星系,从左到右分别是 UCG 6969、UGC 6940 和 UGC 6923,它们有可能是较大的 M109 的卫星星系。


Messier 109 
Image Credit & CopyrightBob Franke

Explanation: Beautiful barred spiral galaxy M109, 109th entry in Charles Messier's famous catalog of bright Nebulae and Star Clusters, is found just below the Big Dipper's bowl in the northern constellation Ursa Major. In telescopic views, its striking central bar gives the galaxy the appearance of the Greek letter "theta", θ, a common mathematical symbol representing an angle. Of course M109 spans a very small angle in planet Earth's sky, about 7 arcminutes or 0.12 degrees. But that smallangle corresponds to an enormous 120,000 light-year diameter at the galaxy's estimated 60 million light-year distance. The brightest member of the now recognized Ursa Major galaxy cluster, M109 (aka NGC 3992) is joined by three spiky foreground stars strung out across this frame. The three small, fuzzy bluish galaxies also on the scene, identified left to right as UGC 6969, UGC 6940 and UGC 6923, are possibly satellite galaxies of the larger M109.

  秋天的麦兜 2013年5月23日 于拉萨。

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