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【转载】[摘译]每日天文一图 - 鹈鹕星云(2010年8月19日)  

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  在这张彩色艳丽的星空图中占据显要位置的脊状部分,编号为IC 5067,属于形态奇特的巨大“鹈鹕星云”的一部分,它在跨度约10光年的范围内勾画出了“宇宙鹈鹕”的头和颈。图像中那些奇异的暗影是被炽热的大质量恒星所发出的能量辐射映照成形的低温气体和尘埃,在它们中间也会有新的恒星诞生。实际上,在图像中央暗影的顶端出现的那两道黑色须状喷流,就预示了其中有一颗原始恒星,编号为赫比格-哈罗HH 555。鹈鹕星云也称为IC 5070,距离我们大约2000光年,在振翅高飞的天鹅座中,朝着明亮的天津四东北方向看去,就能找到她。

[摘译]每日天文一图 - 鹈鹕星云(2010年8月19日) - 秋天的麦兜 - 蜗牛壳

Pelican Nebula Close-up 
Credit & CopyrightTony Hallas 

Explanation: The prominent ridge of emission featured in this intensely colorful skyscape is designated IC 5067. Part of a larger emission nebula with a distinctive shape, popularly called The Pelican Nebula, the ridge spans about 10 light-years and follows the curve of the cosmic pelican's head and neck. Fantastic, dark shapes inhabiting the view are clouds of cool gas and dust sculpted by energetic radiation from hot, massive stars. But stars are also forming within the dark shapes. In fact, twin jets emerging from the tip of the central, dark tendril are the telltale signs of an embedded protostar cataloged as Herbig-Haro 555. The Pelican Nebula itself, also known as IC 5070, is about 2,000 light-years away. To findit, look northeast of bright star Deneb in the high flying constellation Cygnus.

Tomorrow's picture: far, far away

  秋天的麦兜 2010年8月19日

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